About us

Time to start a new tradition….
After attending Austria’s first and so far only circumnavigation of the world, Joseph Selleny designed 1862 the Viennese Stadtpark, which developed within no time into an institution with cosmopolitan ambience, where Viennese and travellers, coffee cult and world culture, East and West met. And that is still the case today. Therefore, in deep bow to Joseph’s drive and open mind-set, we decided to proudly keep his dazzling esprit alive. Come in to Bloom on!

Zeit, eine neue Tradition zu beginnen!
Nach der Teilnahme an Österreichs erster und bisher einziger Weltumsegelung, gestaltete Joseph Selleny 1862 den Wiener Stadtpark, welcher sich rasch zu einer Institution mit weltoffenem Ambiente entwickelte, wo Wiener und Reisende, Kaffeehauskult und Weltkulturen, Ost und West aufeinander trafen. Und dem ist auch heute noch so. Deshalb, in tiefer Verbeugung vor Joseph’s Tatendrang und Weltoffenheit, wollen wir freudig seinen schillernden Esprit weiterführen. Komm’ herein um aufzublühen!
Time to start a new tradition….
After attending Austria’s first and so far only circumnavigation of the world, Joseph Selleny designed 1862 the Viennese Stadtpark, which developed within no time into an institution with cosmopolitan ambience, where Viennese and travellers, coffee cult and world culture, East and West met. And that is still the case today. Therefore, in deep bow to Joseph’s drive and open mind-set, we decided to proudly keep his dazzling esprit alive. Come in to Bloom on!
Bold, Viennese Modernism inspired design in an open yet intimate setting, with high, low and lounge seating, openable window fronts and our lush green outdoor patio make Selleny’s your setting for an restoring lazy start, rejuvenating get-together, boosting co-work session, reviving lunch break, renewing time out, recharging interview, revitalizing celebrations with friends or a refreshing corporate evening.
Bold, Viennese Modernism inspired design in an open yet intimate setting, with high, low and lounge seating, openable window fronts and our lush green outdoor patio make Selleny’s your setting for an restoring lazy start, rejuvenating get-together, boosting co-work session, reviving lunch break, renewing time out, recharging interview, revitalizing celebrations with friends or a refreshing corporate evening.
Our Team

General Manager Bar

Assistant General Manager Bar


Our Team


Eszter Schiller

General Manager Bar